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Digital Health 
with Impact 

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For early to mid-stage digital health companies needing business strategy operations  expertise with flexibility for shifting project priorities. 

ACTOMIC Health supports teams with projects focused around:  

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Biosensor + Diagnostic Solutions 

capturing quality health information at the molecular level.

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Data Solutions

surfacing meaningful biological insight through powerful analytics.

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Software Solutions

delivering insights that engage & drive humanity to action in making informed decisions about our health. 

Work with us! Tell us more about your project HERE

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Senior Director, Clinical Science Center of Excellence

"Chris is a hustler who quickly identified key questions around our business challenges while bringing together the right people in order to drive our projects to resolution quickly."

Astellas Pharmaceuticals

Founding Team

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Chris Sanders is on a mission to enable high-impact teams to commercialize digital health solutions that bring knowledge and insight into one of the most complex biological mysteries of our time.


Sanders has a deep passion for unearthing the “secrets” buried in the 2 TB of data our body generates every day in order to create meaningful insights that drive us to action in making informed decisions about our health.


Sanders has also been a leading force in accelerating movements like TEDxBoston, TEDxMIT, AR in Action, Hacking Medicine and Imagination in Action bringing health tech innovators, visionaries and entrepreneurs together to share actionable ideas with leaders from around the world in order to inspire and mobilize meaningful change.


ACTOMIC Health, LLC provides strategy and operations expertise enabling digital health teams to rapidly commercialize high-impact solutions that surface powerful insights and drive us to action in making informed decisions about our health.


“Actomic” is a portmanteau of “omic” referencing the collective pools of molecular level information needed to formulate understanding and predictive personalization in novel health solutions and “action” emphasizing the imperative for engaging, scalable solutions that drive impact in addressing our ongoing health crisis. 


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